Date 31 Mar 2020
Start on first day at
13:30 Finish on last day at
23:30 Location Country
Netherlands This event is for Kaula members and people who are interested in the Kaula field, to meet, to share, The main areas of exploration: Some words from Pema: “In our society, when family members come together it is mostly to share a meal and chat. It can be very sweet and cozy, but it often lacks in the depths of meeting. In the Kaula Meeting, conceived for the fun of it, we do have our little “gossips” to share, but we prioritize the creation of a field where we meet heart to heart. Meditating and singing together opens us up to one another in the way of direct connection, where we meet in the depths of love. These moments of contact are very precious as they redirect us, again and again, into looking towards our authenticity, and towards manifesting it consciously. Even though these Kaula Meetings are short in time, they do strongly empower us with great inputs of understanding and transformation that we can apply in our lives. In this way, the family meeting is no longer a mundane happening but an enriching, uplifting experience…”
The BohdiTree
Hellingweg 24
to practice some Kaula Tantra meditation methods, and to receive new Song from Pema.
– Pema’s Song
– Coming together
– Practicing meditations
– Celebrating the family