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Pilgrimage Retreat 21-days – Chachapoya & Chavin Peru 2022

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Date 3 Apr 2022 until 23 Apr 2022

Start on first day at 00:00

Finish on last day at 00:00

Chavin de Huantar
Chavin de Huantar

Country Peru

The first part of this pilgrimage retreat will bring us to the magnificent Chachapoya district situated in the northern highlands of Peru. We will visit the sacred sites such as the Kuélap, one of the most impressive sites of Peru. Then Tingo, Jalca Grande, Laguna de los Cóndores, and the splendid waterfalls of Gocta. There are many more sites for us to visit. We will decide together to which ones would like to give priority.

The second part of the retreat will bring us to Chavin where will have 3 ceremonies with Cecilia and Raul. We will be staying in the village at the Inca Hotel, and we will have our meal in the near by restaurant of our friend Ingrid.

Travel Plan:
3 April arrival in Lima
4 April travel to Chachapoya
5 to 13 April visiting the sites of Chachapoya and around
14 April travel to Chavin
15 to 22 April stay in Chavin with 3 Ceremonies at the temple guided by Cecilia and Raul
23 April travel to Lima


This retreat is structured as a journey to some specific places in the world. The journey is explored as a pilgrimage, not to an outer place but to the often-forgotten inner place where our essential being awaits recognition and manifestation. Every step of the outer journey is utilized for traveling into ourselves, to our own sacred place where we pay homage to the being we are. In the process, we shake ourselves out of our comfort zone in all possible ways, for us to revalue our connection with life and ourselves.

We travel as a family, carrying only a basic minimum. We do have a direction in which to go, but we do not plan all the steps needed to get where we want. We move intuitively, a spontaneous intelligence guiding our steps. The whole process tremendously increases our being present to the moment in great aliveness, creatively and consciously responding to all the unpredictable situations. The challenges (they are many!) that such traveling provides, stir up awareness, passion, and unexploited positive qualities and inner wisdom in us. This grounds us in our essence, at the source of consciousness from where we can reshape our lives according to the principles of harmony being unlocked by our inner pilgrimage.

The main areas of exploration:
– Coming out of our comfort zone
– Re-connecting with our inner source
– Developing presence in the moment
– Letting go of prejudice
– Revaluing our purpose in life

Some words from Pema:
“This retreat calls up the vibrant fire of the spiritual traveler in us. We are a traveler of this life journey, not a fixed being. We are in perpetual evolution; on a journey from one shore to another, exploring all the inner and outer mysterious aspects of life. We tend to forget about it, because of our sedentary materialistic lifestyle, favoring the outer world and denying the inner. This results in valuing things more than alive beings. It makes us shut down the part of ourselves that feels the alive connectedness between everything and everyone; the part we may call our sense of sacredness, of oneness, of unity… It is a kind of sleep we indulge in, without even noticing it, as it feels comfortable and safe. But there comes a moment, to every sane person, when an unpleasant, confusing dissatisfaction from deep within surfaces. This reminds us to reconnect with the reality of life’s beauty, which in our sleepy state we have totally denied. The Pilgrimage Retreat offers this precious connection back to us…”


Registration & Information: registration@heartofall.com