At the Fire, we sit…
At the Fire, we have to sit… and we have been sitting there so many times over the past millennia. Over and over again, we asked for a new direction because we had forgotten ours. Presently, we are facing the same dilemma; confronted with a loss of direction.
At the Fire, we must sit, pray, listen and see the clear vision of our direction. In our prayers, we burn the causes of our blindness, our forgetfulness and we revive the Eagle’s eyes for us to see our inner and outer world from another point of view.
Far high in the Sky of the Heart we are able to observe ourselves and our situation with a fresh view and thus wake up the sleepy Weaver who knows the ways of Creation.
At the Fire, we sit and absorb the Light shining from the Flames of Remembrance for us to revive the meaning, the purpose of our live, and to rekindle our Intention long buried in the mud of confusion.
At the Fire, we sit with patience, with humbleness, with silence, with celebration and so receive ourselves the way we receive a new-born baby. With care, with wonder, with gratitude we hold this innocent creation of Love that we are. We shed tears of Joy over our true faces.
At the Fire, we sit, we learn to speak and to manifest the Truth that has always been within our Hearts but that for so long was shadowed by fear, greed, possessiveness, attachment, jealousy….. by so much confusion.
At the Fire, we rejoice, we dance, we weave the Joy winning over misery, slavery and suffering.
At the Fire, we become Fire elevating itself in the realm of Air where there is no border, no limit to our expansion in Love.
At the Fire, we don’t steal, we don’t lie, we don’t possess, we do not imprison, we do not judge anyone or anything.
At the Fire, we Share… we Share… we Share….